My 1yr old Farah is actually having high fever, 39.8degC (103.6degF) but can't resist dancing to Adam's "Born To Be Wild" call! Farah was admitted to the children's hospital right the next day, but still dancing wildly, puzzling the nurses..Born To Be Wild! indeed huh.
Engrossed with favourite dvd ................. Rare times I managed to get
'Singing In The Rain' musical ................... her to lie down on the bed
Buzzing around the ward; never a hint of being unwell
But anyway, Farah probably lost her appetite because she violently refused any food at the hospital. She survived on water, Nestle coco crunch and of course, Breastmilk. So I got no choice but to order food that I can eat instead. The hospital catering is like in the Singapore Airlines, not bad. And being served on a platter 3x a day & not having to worry about doing the dishes after that...SUBLIME.... :-)
Haha, I saw this on !
Where she learned to dance like that?
btw I hope she's well by now
Good moves, I too hope she is feeling better.
Very interesting blog you have, looking forward to reading more. I'm following. Hope you will check out my blog as well.
Thanks for following my blog! Reading your posts brings me back to when I was nursing my youngest on a bench at the Minnesota Zoo, about 13 years ago. I had my little one covered with a receiving blanket and I STILL got nasty comments from a guy. Yes, a MAN... I thought men liked seeing breasts? And to think, mine weren't even exposed! Well, I still didn't stop - it wasn't his business anyway... now I'm just glad that all three of my above-normal-IQ boys are more open minded than he was :)
i hope she is better =] nice blog and family. i am going to follow you. if you like my blog pls do the same thx!
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